What is Retool and Why It Might Be Perfect for Your Business?

Kate Bukhtsinava
Kate Bukhtsinava

Digital Marketing Specialist

September 6, 2024

What is Retool and Why It Might Be Perfect for Your Business?

What is Retool and Why It Might Be Perfect for Your Business?

What is Retool and Why It Might Be Perfect for Your Business?
Kate Bukhtsinava
Kate Bukhtsinava

Digital Marketing Specialist

September 6, 2024

Imagine this—you need to develop an internal tool for your business, but you need to get it done fast (like yesterday). Obviously, traditional development will not solve this challenge. That’s where Retool steps in. This is just the right pal for your idea.

What is Retool and Why It Matters for Your Business

Retool is a low-code platform that allows you to create powerful apps in a decent time (well if it’s nothing really extravagant). It has plenty of pre-built components that you can use and modify, so the dashboard, data management system, or something else can be done in hours. Bonus: with minimal effort.

The beauty of Retool is that it’s designed to work with the stuff you're most likely already using (databases, APIs, and all other systems). It acts like a bridge, connecting everything efficiently—without your direct involvement. You don’t need to be a full-on developer to use it. Retool can handle it (almost) all.

In this guide, we’ll explain why Retool is worth your attention, how it stands out among other platforms, and why it’s becoming the first-choice solution for businesses. So, let’s dive in!

How Retool Compares to Traditional and Other Low-Code Platforms

Although it’s obvious to some people why it’s better to use low-code platforms like Retool, others might still wonder, "Why not just build custom apps from scratch?" Let us give you some highlights.

Pros of Retool:

  1. One of the biggest advantages of Retool is speed. Building an app from scratch can take weeks or even months. With Retool, you can have something functional in just hours thanks to drag-and-drop components and easy data connectors. So, if your goal is function over form, Retool is a go-to.
  1. Retool shines when it comes to integrations. It’s flexible enough to connect with pretty much any system you might rely on. If you’re working with MySQL, PostgreSQL, or an external API, Retool will simplify the process of app development around your existing environment.
  1. While Retool is a low-code platform, it doesn’t leave developers hanging. If you’re used to working with JavaScript or SQL, you can still continue doing it, taking your apps to a new level. Retool allows adding custom logic and data manipulation. It’s the best of both worlds—easy for non-developers, but powerful enough for the ones who code.

But of course, Retool is not all flawless. And to be fair, we’ll have to reveal the cons here as well:

  • While Retool is highly flexible, it does have its limits when it comes to customization. If you need something highly specific, traditional development might still be the better option.
  • For small to medium internal apps, Retool is fantastic. But if you're building something at an enterprise scale, Retool can occasionally hit performance bottlenecks.
  • Retool's pricing is generally reasonable, but as your usage grows, the costs can add up (and that’s understandable). Other low-code platforms might offer different pricing models, so it’s worth comparing.
Low-code and no-code platforms

But Why Retool of All The Low-Code Platforms?

We don't mind other tools at all (and we are not really ambassadors of Retool). But after years of working with different companies, different projects, and different platforms, including Appsmith, OutSystems, Airtable, Mendix, and others, we have come to the conclusion that most of the challenges can be solved with Retool. And here's why.

  1. Ease of use vs. Advanced customization
    Retool is great for internal tools and business apps, where function and data manipulation are key. It’s easier to use than platforms like OutSystems, which require more customization effort. However, platforms like Bubble might offer more design flexibility, but they tend to be less data-focused.
  1. Focus on internal tools
    Retool’s sweet spot is building internal business apps that function (!). If your goal is to build something that manages data, automates workflows, and well integrates with business systems, Retool is hard to beat.
  1. Community and templates
    Retool offers a huge library of pre-built templates and a helpful community, making it easier to start. All other platforms have it as well, but Retool generally provides more integration options and a better user experience.

If you're still not convinced that Retool is your perfect partner, check out our extended breakdown of Retool alternatives. Better yet, save it for later, because we're moving on.

Top Use Cases for Retool: Transforming Business Operations

So, where does Retool really stand out? It’s in those day-to-day operations that usually take a lot of manual work, but could be automated with the right tool. As we said before, Retool offers flexibility and speed to solve business challenges. Here are some of the top use cases where Retool can definitely help you out.

1. Internal dashboards and data management

Every company needs to track performance, manage data, and make decisions based on real-time information. You can quickly build internal dashboards for these needs with Retool. They will allow you to visualize key metrics, gather and process data, and keep track of other things with just a few clicks.


2. Automating repetitive tasks

Let’s be real—manual processes can be time-consuming and full of errors. One of the biggest advantages of Retool is its ability to automate repetitive tasks: making reports, updating records, or sending notifications. You want everything to work well, right?


3. CRM Tools

Most businesses rely on a CRM system to manage relationships with their clients. Although the list of platforms is huge in the market, a lot of them might be too expensive or not customizable enough. Retool can help you to get (more properly to say ‘create’) exactly what you need. You can pull in data from your database, let your team manage leads, create custom workflows, or do whatever else you need.


4. Admin panels for managing business operations

To manage operations you need a well-working tool. It most likely will be a ‘behind the scenes’ platform—maybe for managing users, reviewing sales reports, or handling HR processes—but it’ll be better there. With Retool, you can quickly build one of those and modify to cover all your needs.


These are just a few examples of how Retool can help your business. There are so many more: student information systems, fraud detection systems, sales analytics tools, telemedicine platforms, etc. To dive deeper into the possibilities of Retool, check out our Practical Retool Use Cases blog post. You’ll also find some leads on this Retool landing page.


Best Practices and Tips for Using Retool in a Scaling Business

What starts as a startup, can grow into an enterprise. In the same way, what starts as a simple tool can quickly balloon into something more complex. That’s why it’s important to find a tool that can scale with your business—like Retool. And another crucial thing is to get the most out of it. How? Here are some tips:

1. Keep your apps modular and maintainable

It’s tempting to add more and more features to an app when a business needs to grow, but this can lead to messy, complex tools. The solution might be (and should be) a modular approach. What does it mean exactly? It’s simple: break your app into small components that handle specific tasks and reuse them any time you need. This will help to troubleshoot more easily and make updates with no effect on the whole app.

2. Use templates and cloning to fasten development

Retool offers a big pack of pre-built templates for almost any need. They can help you to start fast. But when working on a new project, you’ll always have to start from scratch. You don’t want it, right? That’s where cloning comes in. If you've built something that works well—like a dashboard or an admin panel—clone it, modify it, and reuse it for other projects. You’ll see—it’s great!

3. Organize your data sources and queries efficiently

Retool allows you to connect to a lot of databases and APIs, but it’s also important to organize queries and data sources well. The solution might be—again—a modular approach. It will improve app performance and make it easier to debug.

4. Optimize apps with server-side processing

At some point, you’ll likely reach the peak when you’ll have to handle more users, more data, and more complex operations. To be sure your apps can deal with it, send heavy processing on the server side. Server-side filtering, sorting, and calculations will take the load off, while the app will continue to operate at the same speed.

5. Automate repetitive workflows as you scale

When you're scaling fast, manual workflows can slow your development. But with Retool it’s possible to automate most of the tasks, like generating reports, sending notifications, or updating records based on specific triggers. With this approach, your team will be able to focus on important work instead of repetitive tasks.

6. Implement Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)

It’s better to keep all the processes and all the responsible ones in order. So, make sure the right people have access to the right parts of your apps. Retool offers a role-based access control (RBAC) that might help with this challenge. It will help you manage permissions and secure sensitive information.

Scaling isn’t just about adding more—it’s about doing it smartly. To make it work, explore Retool and its functionality to the fullest. A good idea will be to check out our latest blog post about maximizing productivity with Retool—more tips are available there.

Is Retool Worth the Investment?

When it comes to investing in any platform, price is always a key consideration. But it should not be the only one. In this section, we’ll share all the important highlights that might help you to make a choice whether to use or not to use Retool. Important remark: the final decision is still on you.

Retool pricing
Credit: Retool.

Pricing Overview

Retool pricing should fit well businesses of all sizes—from startups to larger enterprises. Here’s a quick rundown of the main pricing tiers:

1. Free Plan that is designed for those who are just starting out and want to explore the platform. It includes:

- up to 5 users,

- access to basic features like building apps, connecting to databases, and using pre-built templates.

Who it’s for:
Small teams or solo users in the early stages of app building, most likely need advanced features just yet.

2. Team Plan, where most small to mid-sized businesses will likely land. It’s:

- priced at $10 per user per month (billed annually),
- includes more robust features like RBAC, advanced integrations, and custom components.

Who it’s for:
Growing teams that need more control, collaboration features, and the ability to scale as their business expands.

3. Business Plan for larger businesses. It provides:
- everything in the Team plan,
- extra features like SSO (single sign-on) and audit logs.

And cost $50 per user per month (billed annually).

Who it’s for:
Medium to large organizations that require higher security standards.

4. Enterprise Plan for those working at a much larger scale. This plan includes:
- everything in the Business plan,
- dedicated customer support,
- a custom SLA (service-level agreement),
- options for on-premise deployment.

Who it’s for:
Enterprises with specific compliance, security, and performance needs.

For a better understanding of what the platform offers, check out our in-dept Retool pricing guide.

Do You Really Need Retool?

To decide if Retool is worth the investment, consider a few more factors:

  1. Time vs. Cost
    Compared to traditional development, which could take months and a dedicated team of developers, Retool lets you create powerful apps in days (or even hours) with minimal effort. You can save both time and resources. And that’s what we all are seeking for, right?

  2. Scalability
    Are you planning to scale your business? How far? Retool is able to manage it. There are possibilities for any company—from startup to enterprise.
  1. Team
    For companies without a large development team, Retool is a game-changer. It allows non-technical users to build easy tools quickly, while developers have the freedom to add custom functionality. Basically, two people (or even one) are needed to make the project run. Isn’t it amazing?

The Bottom Line

So, is Retool the right choice for you? If you’re looking for a way to build internal tools fast, without the hassle of traditional development, then the answer is probably yes. Retool simplifies the process, easily connects with your systems, and lets you focus on important stuff.

Sure, it has its limits—especially when it comes to heavy customization or handling massive enterprise-scale operations—but for most businesses, Retool is more than enough to get the job done.

If you need additional consulting or looking for someone to help you start your project, we are here to help. Contact us to find the best way to make Retool work for you.

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If you need a free consultation on your project, get in contact with us.
In Akveo, we have years of experience working with different low-code platforms, including Retool, Airtable, UI Bakery, and others.
Akveo's case

Building Reconciliation Tool for e-commerce company

Our client was in need of streamlining and simplifying its monthly accounting reconciliation process – preferably automatically. But with a lack of time and low budget for a custom build, development of a comprehensive software wasn’t in the picture. After going through the case and customer’s needs, we decided to implement Retool. And that was the right choice.

The scope of work

Our team developed a custom reconciliation tool designed specifically for the needs of high-volume transaction environments. It automated the processes and provided a comprehensive dashboard for monitoring discrepancies and anomalies in real-time.

The implementation of Retool significantly reduced manual effort, as well as fostered a more efficient and time-saving reconciliation process.

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Akveo's case

Creating Retool Mobile App for a Wine Seller

A leading spirits and wine seller in Europe required the development of an internal mobile app for private client managers and administrators. The project was supposed to be done in 1,5 months. Considering urgency and the scope of work, our developers decided to use Retool for swift and effective development.

The scope of work

Our developers built a mobile application tailored to the needs of the company's sales force: with a comprehensive overview of client interactions, facilitated order processing, and enabled access to sales history and performance metrics. It was user-friendly, with real-time updates, seamlessly integrated with existing customer databases. 

The result? Increase in productivity of the sales team and improved decision-making process. But most importantly, positive feedback from the customers themselves.

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Akveo's case

Developing PoC with Low Code for a Tour Operator

To efficiently gather, centralize, and manage data is a challenge for any tour operator. Our client was not an exception. The company was seeking to get an internal software that will source information from third-party APIs and automate the travel itinerary creation process. Preferably, cost- and user-friendly tool.

The scope of work

Our experts ensured the client that all the requirements could be covered by Retool. And just in 40 hours a new software was launched. The tool had a flexible and easy-to-use interface with user authentication and an access management system panel – all the company needed. At the end, Retool was considered the main tool to replace the existing system.

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Akveo's case

Testing New Generation of Lead Management Tool with Retool

Our client, a venture fund, had challenges with managing lead generation and client acquisition. As the company grew, it aimed to attract more clients and scale faster, as well as automate the processes to save time, improve efficiency and minimize human error. The idea was to craft an internal lead generation tool that will cover all the needs. We’ve agreed that Retool will be a perfect tool for this.

The scope of work

The project initially began as a proof of concept, but soon enough, with each new feature delivered, the company experienced increased engagement and value. 

We developed a web tool that integrates seamlessly with Phantombuster for data extraction and LinkedIn for social outreach. Now, the company has a platform that elevates the efficiency of their lead generation activities and provides deep insights into potential client bases.

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Akveo's case

Building an Advanced Admin Portal for Streamlined Operations

Confronted with the need for more sophisticated internal tools, an owner of IP Licensing marketplace turned to Retool to utilize its administrative functions. The primary goal was to construct an advanced admin portal that could support complex, multi-layered processes efficiently.

The scope of work

Our client needed help with updating filters and tables for its internal platform. In just 30 hours we've been able to update and create about 6 pages. Following features were introduced: add complex filtering and search, delete records, styling application with custom CSS. 

Together, we have increased performance on most heavy pages and fixed circular dependency issues.

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Akveo's case

Creating MVP Dashboard for Google Cloud Users

Facing the challenge of unoptimized cloud resource management, a technology firm working with Google Cloud users was looking for a solution to make its operations more efficient. The main idea of the project was to create an MVP for e-commerce shops to test some client hypotheses. Traditional cloud management tools fell short.

The scope of work

Determined to break through limitations, our team of developers turned Retool. We decided to craft an MVP Dashboard specifically for Google Cloud users. This wasn't just about bringing data into view; but about reshaping how teams interact with their cloud environment.

We designed a dashboard that turned complex cloud data into a clear, strategic asset  thanks to comprehensive analytics, tailored metrics, and an intuitive interface, that Retool provides. As the results, an increase in operational efficiency, significant improvement in cost management and resource optimization.

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Akveo's case

Elevating CRM with Custom HubSpot Sales Dashboard

Our other client, a SaaS startup, that offers collaborative tools for design and engineering teams, was on a quest to supercharge their sales efforts. Traditional CRM systems were limited and not customizable enough. The company sought a solution that could tailor HubSpot to their workflow and analytics needs.

The scope of work

Charged with the task of going beyond standard CRM functions, our team turned to Retool. We wanted to redefine how sales teams interact with their CRM. 

By integrating advanced analytics, custom metrics, and a user-friendly interface, our developers provided a solution that transformed data into a strategic asset.

In 40 hours, three informative dashboards were developed, containing the most sensitive data related to sales activities. These dashboards enable our customer to analyze sales and lead generation performance from a different perspective and establish the appropriate KPIs.

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Akveo's case

Retool for Sales and CRM Integration

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Akveo's case

Building a PDF Editor with Low-Code

Our client, a leading digital credential IT startup, needed a lot of internal processes to be optimized. But the experience with low-code tools wasn’t sufficient. That’s why the company decided to hire professionals. And our team of developers joined the project.

The scope of work

The client has a program that designs and prints custom badges for customers. The badges need to be “mail-merged” with a person’s info and turned into a PDF to print. But what is the best way to do it?

Our developers decided to use Retool as a core tool. Using custom components and JavaScript, we developed a program that reduced employees' time for designing, putting the data, verifying, and printing PDF badges in one application.

As a result, the new approach significantly reduces the time required by the internal team to organize all the necessary staff for the conference, including badge creation.

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