ARC (Automation, Reliability & Collaboration) by accūrō Solutions is the modern technology platform for the casualty insurance industry.
It’s worth noting that the project consisted of two parts. The first, the ARC Review system, is a platform that automates the medical bills review process. The second, the ARC Finance system, is another platform that automates payments/invoices during the medical bills review process.
Our team developed the ARC Review system’s frontend part. The single-page application was built using Angular, including many complex forms with custom components and grids. The grids were developed using AG Grid that allows creating, editing, and deleting rows. Finally, the team implemented the “Edit” functionality via custom cell editors.
The team also added:
Overall, the bills’ management complex logic can be configured at the backend and handled at the frontend with no changes required.
The Akveo team built both backend and frontend parts for the ARC Finance system. The Java-backed application provides REST API.
On the backend side, the team implemented a lot of different endpoints covered by security filters. These filters handle access via the JWT authentication token and resolve which user roles a specific API endpoint can use.
The backend provides endpoints for different usages, meaning small and huge calculations, creating/ getting/ updating values in the database, or complex search with pagination and filtering by tens of properties. The backend is separated into three stand-alone backend applications. Communication between them is organized via HTTPS requests and RabbitMQ message broker.
Besides, the application includes scheduled cron jobs that control and run with the help of Apache Camel routes. These jobs are used for different cases, most frequently for daily report creation saved on AWS S3 and SFTP servers. The backend also provides email sending functionality. For the frontend, the team used the same technical stack as in the ARC Review project.
Angular, RxJS, NgRX, AG Grid, ECharts, Nebular, and custom components. Spring Boot, Hibernate, JUnit, Mockito, MariaDB, Apache Camel, RabbitMQ, AWS S3, AWS Secret Manager, and Microsoft Azure.
The project’s team consisted of 10 people at the peak time, including:
ARC Review was deployed as a cloud-based application in production in June 2021. Now, dozens of internal users and external customers use the app daily.
Deployed in February 2022, ARC Finance is currently in its final testing phase. However, the company plans to use this application in the near term by internal staff only.