The 911 incident management system was developed using UI Bakery to create a user-friendly interface for efficient emergency data handling. By integrating MongoDB Atlas and leveraging Akveo's low-code consulting, the platform ensures scalability, seamless CAD integration, and adaptability across multiple municipalities.
Scope of work
Modernizing the System Architecture
The new App was developed with MongoDB Atlas as the BE database, hosted on Microsoft Azure. This provided a scalable and multi-tenant solution that is capable of supporting multiple municipalities.
User-Friendly Front-End Interface
Utilizing UI Bakery, which is really good for internal app development and prototype, the front end-end was designed to be intuitive and customizable. The platform incorporated the expertise of Akveo's low-code developers, ensuring rapid deployment and tailored features. The modular design allowed seamless copying and scaling of master applications for specific municipalities.
Two primary incident modules were developed:
- Incident Additions Module: This feature allows departments without CAD access to manually create incidents. Leveraging the existing Incident Module design, the interface ensured consistency and ease of use, guided by low-code specialists.

- Occupancy Management Module: In this dashboard users can add and manage details about building occupancies, including keyholder information, preplan data, and inspection tracking. Features like file uploads and dropdown-based data entry streamlined workflows, leveraging expertise in low-code consulting.
Integration Layer
The platform supported two methods for integrating data from 911 dispatch systems:
- A LINUX script to monitor and process XML file drops on a secure FTP server.
- MongoDB Triggers to automatically insert records into transactional tables when new incident data was detected.
Technology Stack
UI Bakery - For building the front-end interface using a low-code approach.
MongoDB Atlas - As the back-end database for scalable and multi-tenant data storage.
Microsoft Azure - Hosting the MongoDB database in the Toronto region for secure and reliable operations.